Things That Might Happen To You If You Have Less Nitric Oxide Levels In The Body

By Megan Landry

The body of a human being works in a very different way. NO has a different function in the body. This is usually a colorless gas at the room temperature and pressure. Another thing about this oxide is that it always consists of the diatomic molecules which contains one nitrogen and also one oxygen atom. Nitric oxide levels in the body must be maintained so that body functions properly.

The scientists have proved that the NO has a vital role in your body. The human body is not only made of water. It also consists of things like complicated organic compounds such as the lipids, proteins, enzymes and carbohydrates. The interesting thing that you need to discover is that this oxide has a very important biological role in your body.

This oxides is always produced in that bodies at the cells which are lining the endothelial cells. Some say that this oxide is the signaling molecule when this is created and then released the gas will then in an easy way quickly penetrate all the cells and membranes that are near it. After that the signals will be sent in not more than one second.

The problem of nitric will affect you most as you may be growing old. If the availability of nitric oxide decreases there might be some risk of having the cardiovascular disease or sexual dysfunction as well as Alzheimer disease. Once you have passed the age of forty, you will be needed to maintain the level of NO. This can be done well if you visit a doctor and he advices you on what to do.

Research has proved that NO will always act as a way of signal transmitter between t body cells. NO will have to perform that very important role of relaxing the walls of the blood vessels. This effect can be referred to as vasodilatation. This will then result in an increased blood flow and hence the blood pressure will be lower.

If all these are done you will not be at the risk of getting stroke or heart attack. There are also some miracles that are known to be performed by this molecule. This includes improving the erection of the penis. Protecting or limiting damage from the harsh rays of sun. It protects the bones of your body from the disease known as osteoporosis. It enhances the blood flow to clitoris of the men and also sexual sensitivity.

In heart disease you might have heard of atherosclerosis. This could be when you have chest pain that is referred to as angina usually caused by the inadequate blood supply to your heart. Patients who are suffering from this disease will be prescribed for nitroglycerin pills. This is a pain reliever for them.

Nitric oxide levels in the body can also affect your sex life. That is so because the erection of those sexual organs will occur by the dilation of those appropriate vessels of blood. All this will always be triggered by the level of the NO in you. If you are not aware this is how the common drug Viagra which is known as anti-impotence drug will work in your body. That is why if you feel there something wrong in your sex life or with your chest or heart you should see the doctor so that you are treated in good time.

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