Why Multivitamins for Men are Essential

By Michelle Boots

Multivitamins for men are a necessity so as to keep a body that remains both healthy and strong, especially when the man is middle-aged or older. Many different vitamins and nutrients are essential in order to take good care of the body and the precise amounts needed are different between men and women.

Men's multivitamins need to contain certain nutrients which include calcium, vitamin E, selenium, and folic acid, and others. These supplements are essential for making sure that a man's body gets all the nutrients that it needs.

Multivitamins for men will as well work to avoid deficiencies in nutrient intake and any associated disorders. They are great for promoting physical and mental well-being.

The Essential Nutrients That Multivitamins for Men Should Include

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to the prevention of heart diseases. These nutrients are especially abundant within certain fatty fish and legumes, and are found in multivitamins as Omega 3 oil. They have been found to work well in decreasing blood pressure and also eliminating the chances of cardiovascular disease occurring.

It aids in the maintenance of blood vessels in a healthy state, and also prevents them from developing any blockages and/or clots. The RDA for this essential element is 1000 mg.

Chromium is another important element which is needed to increase muscle mass, a well-known fact. It additionally helps to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, which in turn helps ensure that blood insulin and sugar levels are alright. Chromium's RDA is 35 mcg.

Calcium is another superb nutrient for strengthening the bones and helping with the loss of body weight. The recommended daily amount for men is 1200 mcg.

Selenium is necessary for the prevention of different types of cancer, including lung and prostate cancer. The RDA for selenium is around 200 mcg.

Folic acid is a nutrient which is also important for men's health and is known to be great for preventing Alzheimer's disease symptoms. It has also been established to help with the improvement of cardiovascular health. The RDA for this element is around 500 mcg.

Vitamin E is also necessary to good health. It functions as a nutrient for preventing some kinds of cancer, Alzheimer's, and eye diseases.

How Multivitamins for Men of Different Ages Differ

Multivitamins for men younger than 40 years, who are also physically active, need to comprise of adequate levels of vitamin C and also the B vitamins, because these are superb for combating stress effectively. Other like nutrients include magnesium, L-glutathione, and calcium.

Men who are physically active generally need higher levels of oxygen uptake than normal because of the degree of their activities. Coenzyme Q10 and Gingko biloba are important nutrients that need to be a part of men's multivitamins because of this. These nutrients are excellent for improving the energy, endurance, and stamina levels of men. Gingko biloba also specifically aids the blood circulation in the brain which enhances important functions such as memory.

Those men who are older than 40 years and/or partake in lower levels of activity need some different nutrients to be in their multivitamins. These men's multivitamins should be comprised of necessary elements to help avoid the development of muscular disorders and heart-related disorders. These are vitamins B12 and B6, and folic acid.

Men who are older than 60 years are known to have greater susceptibility to developing prostate cancer. One of the important nutrients that they need to have in their multivitamin supplements is boron. This nutrient is also useful for enhancing brain functions such as memory and concentration. In the form of boron citrate, its RDA is 3 mg.

The recommended daily amount for calcium for men of this age is around 1000 mg, a figure which is somewhat difficult to get from the diet alone. Taking it in the form of multivitamin supplements makes it more possible for a man to get the amount that he needs, however. It is proven that ingesting a calcium multivitamin twice a day, in the morning and night, will increase absorption rates.

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