College Softball Recruiting Camps - Be Prepared To Be At Your Best

By Richard Adams

Are you looking to play college softball? Do you want to make sure you continue playing after your high school days are over? If so, you need to understand college softball recruiting process and how you can get ahead of your competition. There are hundreds of universities out there who need skilled and talented players. How do these schools find the players they need?

Here are some steps that are recommend you take to give yourself the best chance of actually getting a scholarship or an offer to play at the university level.

There are thousands of softball recruits all across the country trying to make it to the university level. What will separate those who make it to the college level vs. Those who don't? Actually, there are several factors involved in this process. Here is a brief look at some of the biggest factors:

Try to get as much game film as you possibly can showing you in action while playing your best. The more film you have, the more selective you can be about what game film you will send to a coach or post online for him or her to watch. Coaches want to see you in action in order to compare you to other university softball recruits they have on their radar and determine the level at which you are and your abilities as a whole.

They get recommendations from high school coaches who give a true account of the student and his athletic abilities. They find out about some athletes because they market and promotes themselves to the coaches.

Getting Noticed - Sadly, some very good recruits have all of the first three factors going for them from the list above, but they never get recruited by any university coaches! Why does this happen? It can happen because they play on a bad team, they are at a very small or rural school, or their high school coach doesn't help them get recruited.

Stay In Contact with prospect recruiters. The most important advice is to keep the lines of communication open with coaches. Send them periodic updates on the progress of your team and your accomplishments. Don't make the coach wonder if you are still interested in playing for him or her. Staying in contact can keep you from falling off the radar of university coaches unnecessarily.

After leaving these recruiting camps, you can take your chances of being recruited to an even higher level. How? Glad you asked! You can do that by marketing and promoting yourself to university coaches. Coaches at all division levels need good players who are also good students. When you make direct contact with coaches, you could end up being just the student athlete they are looking for. The recruiting camps are a good way to get exposure. An even better way to make sure you get the attention of college coaches is to contact them directly. Direct contact is the best way to make sure coaches know about you and what you can potentially do for their program.

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