Guidelines To Treatments For Prostate Cancer

By Daphne Bowen

There is a lot to be put into consideration once one has been diagnosed with prostrate cancer. Your age is a vital factor in determining the treatments for prostate cancer to use. This type of cancer is a very complex one and medical professionals can disagree in opinions about its mitigation. The best thing to do whenever this arises is to consult a competent doctors like the urologists concerned with the male reproductive system and oncologists who treat cancer using radiation.

Expectant management is a procedure that helps in treating the cancer which has a habit of spreading within a long duration of time. It is actually difficult to measure its degree of growth. The patient is required to frequently visit the clinic during this early stage for ultrasound checkup. The equipment used here displays the internal structure of the reproductive organ. The doctor can therefore determine whether it is curable at this stage.

Prostrate cancer can also be stopped from spreading towards the bones. As part of its growth and development, it tends to bulge outwards heading to the bones which then causes them to hurt a lot. However, there is a medication that can mitigate this referred to Bisphosphonates. This drug prevents the cell from rapidly growing and some side effects the patient may experience are painful joints. Those suffering from kidney disorders are strongly advised not to use this drug.

Another treatment procedure is by use of vaccines which are an extraction of white blood cells from the body of the patient mixed with cancer cells. Such combination is usually referred to Sipuleucel T and is meant for mature stages of the disease. This vaccine is usually made in a medical laboratory and the victim is given in a duration of two weeks apart. Side effects that are likely to occur are fever, diarrhea and muscular pains.

Chemotherapy is a treatment procedure in which the patient given anti cancer injections that spread throughout the body thus making it the most recommended procedure. It is mostly used when the disease has is in its advanced stages. The medications have proved to increase the lifespan of a patient. Some of its side-effects include hair and appetite loss, mouth sores and nausea.

Hormone therapy works well for it minimizes the levels of hormones associated with sexuality in the body. For example, men have testosterone hormone which boosts the growth and development of the prostate cancer cell. Whenever these levels are lowered, the affected cell shrinks and the patient is able to have a longer lifespan. The side effects are loss of muscularity and obesity.

Cryosurgery, which is facilitated by the ultrasound technology, can be used to freeze the cancerous cells making them inactive. The procedure involves the use of low temperature gases which are introduced into the organs keenly to avoid distraction of surrounding tissues. Side effects associated with this act are usually similar to those of a typical surgery.

Last but not least, radiation therapy can also be employed in the mitigation of this life threatening disease. Rays with a shorter wavelength are used to kill the affected cell. This procedure is very dangerous and patients are usually advised to adequately consult before undergoing it. Most side-effects are long termed and usually vary from one individual to the other.

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