Advice To Follow When You Cant Fall Asleep

By Iva Cannon

Insomnia is a condition in which a person either cannot sleep enough or experiences disturbed rest patterns at night. If you suffer from insomnia, there are tips you can use when you cant fall asleep easily. The first tip is to wake up each day at the same time. Although you may be tempted to sleep late on the weekends, try not to do this. Getting up at the same time every day helps to train your body for consistent rest patterns.

Try to reduce your stress by learning different relaxation techniques to soothe the mind and body. You can use muscle relaxation therapy, deep breathing exercises and meditation to calm yourself before going to bed. You can even consider trying cognitive therapy, which helps certain people with insomnia to identify negative thoughts that may contribute to their sleeplessness and correct them. Cognitive therapy can also help you understand sleep patterns as you age and set reasonable sleep goals.

If you have temporary insomnia, this means that you are getting inadequate or poor-quality rest. This can last from one night to several weeks. There are no set guidelines for diagnosing a patient with insomnia. This is because most people have their own sleeping patterns. What constitutes adequate rest for one person may not be adequate for someone else.

Try to eat light meals in the evenings, since eating too heavily prior to bedtime can lead to digestive upset which disrupts your rest. Have your heavy meal at lunchtime and in the evening have a sandwich or salad. Try to avoid greasy foods.

Establish a routine to wind down in the evenings before bed. This can help to free your mind of stressful thoughts. Do some enjoyable activities such as reading, watching a funny film, or listening to your favourite music. You can have a warm bath or do some yoga to relax your mind and body.

It is also wise to avoid watching television while in bed. The glare from the screen can keep you awake and increase your alertness. This will make it difficult for you to fall asleep.

If you are kept awake because you worry over things, try to make a list of things you need to accomplish. Then put the list away and try not to think about it anymore. You can also try writing your thoughts down in a journal so that you are not lying awake with them in your head.

Remember; do not pressure yourself to fall asleep. This will only stress you and keep you awake longer. If your insomnia persists, speak to your doctor about it. He or she may recommend running some tests to determine whether there are any underlying health issues causing the insomnia. It is not generally a good idea to rely on sleeping pills to help you get rest. These pills may leave you feeling groggy in the morning, and they can be habit-forming if they are not taken properly.

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