Tips To Consider When You Want To Rent Medical Equipment

By Annabelle Holman

The practice of medicine is considered as one of the most costly business in terms of investment in equipment. This field requires the highest level of technology and quality in order to enhance services to the patients. However, the acquisition of the equipment proves a rather daunting task due to their expensive nature and the variation in prices and quality. In order to ease you with the hassle and risk entailed in the acquisition, this article enlightens you on important factors when you want to rent medical equipment.

The initial step is to evaluate the financial position of your practice. The two possible device acquisitions are the buy and rent options, which have different inherent implications. On one hand, the purchase option incurs a large cash outlay at once, while the rent option implies monthly remittances. The convenience accrued to them, thus varies. However, the extent of cash available determines the type of choice to be adopted.

There is also the need to protect your firm against obsolescence. Before deciding whether to rent or buy, ensure to analyze each option by matching the productive life of the device with the liability connected with the acquisition of the asset. Medical equipment depreciates at a very high rate and should be well provided for in the decision. Renting helps you to capitalize on the depreciation of your rather high-end equipment.

When renting the appliances, remember to opt for experienced and reputable renting medical firms. This is particularly the case due to the continuous nature of the relationship established by the agreement. The agreement is a contract and thus should be entered with a company having the utmost good faith.

Apart from the sales support, consider analyzing the monthly payments and compare them against the cost of buying. The best deal can only be approached at by making a comparison between the two payments. Consider the long term implications of the monthly payments and weigh the costs against a lump sum purchase. The monthly payments will always outweigh the cost of the asset, but be sure to examine the convenience too.

The other factor worth your interest is the cost of repair and maintenance. The initial step before settling on whether to rent is evaluating the maintenance cost implications of both alternatives. In a rental agreement, determine whether the responsibility of maintenance is upon you or retained by the company. Remember that where you are responsible for the maintenance, opt for the rental of less costly equipment in terms of maintenance. Devices that require high costs of maintenance should only be leased when the company retains the repair and maintenance service.

The frequency of usage of the product also falls into play. When the device in question is to be used frequently, such machine must be readily available and hence ideal to buy. On the other hand, a gadget that is only used on rare occasions comes handy with a rental option. This is especially the case because it is absurd to invest large sums of money on an asset that will only be used once in a while.

All in all, the decision lies with you. Remember that no one else knows exactly the equipment needs of your firm and the financial position. However, do yourself good by opting for the right investment.

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