Factors To Consider When Renting Medical Equipment

By Paulette Mason

The market for medical equipment is marred with a lot of diversity in terms of quality and price. This, coupled with the drastic decrease in profit margins, has led to profound concern world over. Considering the high initial cost of investment and the level of sophistication of the machines required, practicing medical service is one of the most expensive ventures. However, some practitioners have sorted to renting medical equipment in an effort to cut on the investment. This demands some requisite knowledge on buy versus rent decision, as outlined below.

To begin with, it is worth considering the rental period. Before ordering the equipment, consider the rental period. As a general rule, an equipment that will be in use for a long time is better bought than rented. However, where the device is needed for a short period of time, it is more convenient and economical to rent. The time value of money falls into play when evaluating between a buy and rent options.

The upfront costs and the monthly remittances are worth comparing. The financial standing of the business is thus relevant while making the analysis. Small businesses that have low cash outlay are well served with rental agreements. On the other hand, well established firms having financial muscles are better equipped to buy the equipment. It is a trade off between having to part with a large sum of money at once, or rather make monthly payments that are affordable.

Also, the expenses of maintaining the implement also matters. The efficiency of machines relies in regular repairs and servicing. Maintenance as a factor depends on who is responsible for the expense and the magnitude of the expense. A variety of rental agreements require the rental company to carry out the exercise. These agreements mean that you will be in charge of the repair and maintenance. It is therefore worthwhile to rent equipment having the profound cost of maintenance.

The number of times the device is used, forms a significant part of your interest. In the medical arena, the tools vary in the extent of use. While there are those that are used more commonly, some are rarely used. The frequency of usage must thus be put in mind before deciding whether to rent or buy a device. A firm implement can only be bought when it is used regularly.

Whether to buy or rent an implement is also influenced by the resale value. The medical field is one of the most rapidly changing professions in terms of technology. New machines come with new features, rendering the current ones obsolete and ineffective. This calls for continuous upgrading of the facility, which may mean selling the old machine. Having equipment with good resale value facilitates obtaining a new one at a better rate. A machine with low resale value will be hard to sell.

However, the question of whether to buy or rent also depends on who you are asking. The decision is subjective. Both options have their own advantages and shortcomings. The decision process relies on trading between the negatives and the positives. A strategic decision can be reached at by referring to the circumstances of the firm at a given time.

Simply put, be thorough in your analysis and use the requisite information in reaching the decision. A well informed decision will, out of doubt, be an asset to your business.

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