Cut Down Screening Cost With Mobile Drug Testing Texas Technicians

By Sharron Cantu

A drugs free workplace promotes productivity and improves safety. It also creates harmony and discipline among workers. Besides, a workplace where there are no drugs enhances service delivery, eliminates errors related to lack of concentration while also boosting the morale of workers. Seeking the assistance of mobile drug testing Texas technicians will help screen the workers and find out who could be using drugs.

Workers can behave unethically and expose their colleagues to accidents. Workers tend to use illegal substances due to things like job dissatisfaction, isolation, fatigue, and overwhelming workload. If not checked, use of substances can ruin the culture of a business and bring down the productivity. There are many costs associated with substance abuse in workplace.

Companies that show increased tendency of having workplace accidents are targeted by OSHA inspectors. When these inspectors knock the doors of your company, expect to be penalized for not complying with the regulations. They will inspect the premises of all health and safety issues and if found to be contravening any of those, even if not related to the accidents caused by intoxicated workers, your business will have to suffer.

A lot of time is lost through traveling to and from laboratory facilities. It requires about one to one and half hours for each employee. If you have more than 10 employees, it implies you are losing more than 20 hours for a simple exercise. However, when this testing activity is done within premises, one employee needs only about 15 minutes. This surely saves a lot of time.

The process is done pretty fast and workers do not waste their time. The cost of transporting workers to testing facilities can be a lot especially where a large group of employees has to be tested or when frequent test exercises are conducted. The employer meets all those costs and if not checked, they can amount to wad of cash that stretches business finances.

Sending employees to be tested in lab facilities far away from workplace creates many loopholes. The results may be meddled with and drug takers might not be caught. It is also costly because the tests are conducted, money paid for the services, and instead of having the right results, something shoddy happens in presenting the results.

Using drugs in workplace poses many challenges to workers and employers alike. Employees are required to translate their skill, knowledge, knowhow, talents, energy, and time into results. However, when they begin to indulge in unethical practices such as use of illegal substances, they cannot be able to produce the results. They become liabilities instead of assets.

Such workers will remain caught-free and they may never be discovered. What happens is that they will engage in the same drug taking activity thus putting other employees and the business in danger. Accidents that occur due to drug use effects cost both the employer and employee a lot of dollars. Testing workers will improve safety in workplace because the employees will renounce abusing drugs.

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