Benefits Of A Fibromyalgia Treatment Center Toledo

By Nora Jennings

When a person suffers from chronic pain of any kind it is a tremendous burden that stays with them twenty four hours a day. Without proper care they may find the stress too much to bear. The chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia affects nearly five percent of the population in the United States of America and one of the solutions available for the victims is found in the fibromyalgia treatment center Toledo.

Treatment begins for these patients by eliminating all other ailments that it could be before declaring that the patient is suffering from fibromyalgia. There are no specific tests that can identify this problem because it mimics so many others. There are eleven points on the body that it effects the most and the patient must have pain in eight of eleven areas before the diagnosis is confirmed.

There is no known cause of this problem although some feel it can be caused by physical or emotional trauma, a very low tolerance for pain, or sleep disturbances. It is most commonly found in women between the ages of twenty and fifty years old. It can last for years and many times will diminish with age.

An exercise program designed specifically for each individual is the first step offered for recovery to the patients. They receive special training from physical therapists designed to improve the muscle structure of areas most painful for them. Ti Chi, Yogi and aerobic exercises are promoted by the program directors because every body part is used and strengthened.

Deep muscle and soft tissue massages are another way of dealing with this condition. The massages tend to relieve stress and tension that can increase pain in the clients body while the physical touch of hands acts as a soothing relaxant that can last for hours. Doctors also recommend chiropractor treatments and acupuncture to their patients. When the acupuncture is done they often heat the needles after insertion to help ease the pain of the client.

The psychological needs of patients are also addressed by holding group sessions to show them how to control their reactions to the daily pain they must endure. They are taught how to use relaxation techniques to reduce the pain and how to manage the stress that comes from living in constant pain. Diaries are kept detailing their pain and the causes of it. Knowing what causes the pain can make controlling the pain easier.

Living healthy and maintaining proper weight is very important for relieving the problems connected with this condition. Patients are encouraged to increase their muscle mass and lose weight is necessary. The strain put on joints and bones by excess weight can cause an increase in the daily pain levels felt by patients. Proper nutrition is strongly emphasized by the team and they are adamant about removing caffeine and nicotine from the patients lives.

Receiving the best care available is important to those suffering from fibromyalgia. When there is a center designed specifically to treat their problems near their homes it can make a major difference in the quality of their lives. With the multifaceted treatment programs found in these centers they can be certain of receiving the highest quality of care possible.

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