Dispelling The Myths About Methadone Chicago

By Jerri Perry

Methadone Chicago is used in drug recovery clinics to help people stop taking addictive opiates like heroin, codeine and morphine. Also known as Amidone, Methadose, Heptadon or Symaron, it is in the class of drugs known as synthetic opioids. It acts at the same receptors as the opiate drugs. Unlike opiates, it is crafted in the laboratory and is not found in nature. Amidone is also sometimes used to treat refractive pain in people with terminal cancer.

Symaron was first synthesized in Germany during the first half of the 20th century. It was designed to provide the country with a stable source of opiate drugs within the national borders. Symaron comes as a liquid suspension to be taken orally, or as tablets in 5mg/10mg/40mg sizes.

Numerous myths have evolved about the use of Amidone as a treatment for opiate addiction. The general public and opiate addicts both have misconceptions about the drug. Here, we examine a few of these myths and uncover the real truths. Amidone is only one treatment options that are used to help recovering heroin addicts. It can be used successfully and it can also be abused. In many cases, it has provided individuals with a road to recovery of their normal, pre-addiction, productive lives.

Myth No 1: The first common misconception among the public is that Amidone clients are no better than junkies getting high at the public's expense. On the contrary, when given the correct, therapeutic dosage, there is no "high, " just an associated normalcy. Too little, and the client goes through withdrawal, resulting in possible relapse. Too high, and the dose is toxic. It is the toxicity that gives rise to the pleasant buzz.

Myth No 2: The second common misconception is that heroin is worse than alcohol. The truth is, alcohol can be every bit as devastating to the addict and everyone around them. Alcohol is at the heart of an overwhelming amount of domestic violence, child abuse and it creates chronic health problems in the abuser. The main difference between alcohol and heroin is that alcohol addicts are not breaking the law.

Myth No 3: Methadose eats your bones. No, it does not. According to the New York Drug Policy Alliance 2006, Methadose does not compromise the skeletal system in any way. If someone on a maintenance dose feels like their bones are "rotting, " then their dose may be too low. Bone pain is also a normal feature of opiate withdrawal.

Myth No 4: Amidone makes you fat. While Methadone does indeed lower the metabolic rate, weight gain is not a standard outcome. Don't forget that drug addicts tend not to follow healthy dietary regimes when they are using. Methadose clients can learn how to eat properly.

These are just a few of the many myths about methadone Chicago. It acts by blocking the "high" associated with opiate use and decreases the chance of relapse.

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