Signs That You Need To See Fertility Specialists AZ Area

By Marissa Velazquez

When you have been trying to conceive for some time and it is not happening, worry sets in. Nobody wants to imagine that they are incapable of conceiving so most of the time people comfort themselves that maybe it could be early to try or they are impatient. While this could be true there has to be a limit on how long you have to wait. It is therefore important to determine when to see fertility specialists AZ area. Listed below are some of the factors to consider when deciding when to see these professionals.

Your age should be a factor to look at. Your age could be an obstacle towards natural conception. If you are at the age of thirty-five years and have tried conceiving without success for a period exceeding six months then it is time to see a specialist. This is because when a woman is approaching the end of child bearing age, the chances of getting pregnant grow slim with time and medical intervention might be necessary.

A medical condition can also cause you difficulties when trying to conceive. Conditions like sexually transmitted diseases and ovarian cysts among others can affect your ability to conceive and even bear children. Your gynecologist will help to determine if you have any of these conditions then refer you to a fertility specialist to carry out tests and come up with options you can work with.

You should consider consulting such a practitioner if you have ever experienced a miscarriage before. This could mean that the womb might have been mismanaged during the cleaning process and if after sometime you do not conceive there could be a problem. You should also seek the help of a specialist if you have had an ectopic pregnancy because this can make it hard to conceive on a later date.

Endometriosis happens as a result of endometrial cells which grow abnormally and attach to the inner wall of the uterus. Despite the fact that they are not cancerous, they impact negatively on a womans reproductive system. This condition presents with painful periods and pain during coitus. If you experience these and have problems getting pregnant then it is high time you seek help.

Family planning medication pills can also be the cause of your inability to conceive. This normally cause delay in conceiving and this can go up to a year in most cases. So it is important to wait for at least two years after coming out of family planning medication to conclude that you really have a problem of conceiving. If this continues, then you should see a doctor.

You should be keen on your weight changes either increase or decrease. This could reduce chances of securing a pregnancy. You should always wait until you attain your desired weight through a diet plan or exercise regime before trying to conceive. After allowing an ample time to adjust and you still cannot conceive then it is time to seek intervention.

The best way to know if you need to see an expert at the earliest possible time is to look on the family history. This can be helpful as they can recommend an expert who has recorded breakthrough among the numerous fertility specialists AZ, to avoid falling in the wrong hands. There are always a variety of options provided by these experts in relation to chances of conception.

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