Are Barbells And Dumbbells Superior To Kettlebells?

By Russ Howe

If you were to put kettlebells vs dumbbells into a fight to see which training method returned the best overall strength gains, who do you think would come out on top? This is a popular gym argument which has raged for many years, and today we will use the latest science to teach you the answer.

While it's not uncommon to meet individuals who swear blindly that following one protocol is the best way to build muscle and lose body fat, the general consensus is that the optimal results can be achieved through a varied combination of both methods as well as lesser known styles, including resistance bands and suspension trainers.

However, a recent study pitted the kettlebell against free weights in a study to determine which method would return the greatest strength gains overall. The results were quite profound.

The study followed a protocol where Group A would be using a 16 kilogram weight to perform a six week program of swings, accelerated swings and goblet squats in an attempt to boost vertical leap, power clean and squat strength levels.

Group B, on the other hand, were made to follow a six week program using roughly 80% of their one repetition maximum on squat, power clean and high pulls using a barbell.

After the six week course was over, the results were overwhelmingly in favor of free weight training. Barbell squats improved one rep max on squats by a huge 15%, whereas goblet squats only resulted in a 5% increase. Then the free weight group also enjoyed a 10% strength boost to their power clean and 4% vertical leap.

Their kettlebell counterparts, on the other hand, could only manage a 4% increase to their power clean and added just 1% to their vertical leap. Those results were quite surprising, given the explosive nature of kettlebell training in general.

These results clearly document that free weights return superior strength gains overall.

However, the optimal method for building a better body through effective fat loss and lean muscle building should include a variety of techniques. Although this particular study from California State University, Fullerton returned results heavily in favor of resistance training, this does not mean you should eliminate every other type of exercise from your program.

The best way to develop a well rounded training program is to use aspects of different training methods until you find something which works for you. It is not uncommon to see bodybuilders, who are primarily known to use free weights and machines, adopt exercises like swings into their routine from time to time.

If you merely wanted a straight answer to the kettlebells vs dumbbells question then you certainly have that now, but the best approach to building a well-rounded training program comes from combining aspects of both.

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