Problems Encountered In Smithtown Acupuncture

By Bertha Wells

One of the oldest and most commonly used methods of healing in China is acupuncture. This technique has quickly spread into developed world as a result of globalization and information asymmetry. This technique is built upon the belief that the body comprises of channels in which energy flows. Tension, pain and illness occur in the body due to blockages in the channels of energy. According to the traditional healers, insertion of needles in strategic areas can unblock the flow of energy thus curing patients. The use and implementation of Smithtown acupuncture faces a lot of hurdles in the modern world.

After a session, many patients complain of dizziness, hot flushes, vomiting and headaches. These minor side effects are attributed to having needles and other foreign objects inserted into the body. Some traditional administrators explain it using the pressure effect of a blocked hose pipe. After removal of the blockage, fluid must gush out before resuming an ordinary flow. This illustration is commonly used by practitioners to explain the side effects.

Unfortunately, some sessions of treatment result in pneumothorax. This is a deadly medical condition whereby the lungs collapse, leaving the patient unable to breathe. If not quickly attended to, the patient may suffocate and die. In case of pneumothorax, use of an asthma inhaler, re-inflation or cardiopulmonary resuscitation may be the only ways to save the life of the diseased person.

One of the biggest risks of attempting this form of treatment is the chance of infection. The method involves sticking needles through the skin. This is highly risky since the skin is not only an on organ itself, but also the protective cover for other organs. Through penetration using steel needles, there is a chance of bacterial infection. Furthermore, it exposes the patient to diseases such as hepatitis and human immunodeficiency syndrome.

This form of treatment has faced severe criticism from medical practitioners who work on the basis of scientific evidence. Not much research has been put into the field and clear information regarding its abilities is limited. Some traditional healers make dubious claims regarding the range of ailments that they can heal. As a result, the field has been linked to the use of magic and occult belief.

Most countries lack a reputable authority that governs the practice of alternative medicine. This means that the genre lacks a rigid mechanism for registration, licensing, techniques of practitioners. This results in varying standards of practice from one state to the other. In addition, this mode of treatment is not covered in Medicare.

Due to the fact that specialists do not learn this art from the same source, there is a great variation in interpretation and analysis of diseases. Patients face the problem of diagnosis variability as they shift from one physician to the other. Furthermore, it is hard to tell apart the healers who are adequately trained from the quacks in this business.

Despite the rapid infiltration of Smithtown acupuncture, it still faces a lot of challenges. Care should be taken by individuals who want to try out this form of treatment. Before trying it out, wide research should be done on the internet for clinics that offer reputable treatment Furthermore, it is necessary to talk with your regular medical physician for advice.

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