Looking At Creatine Monohydrate

By Russ Howe

In this article we feature creatine monohydrate, possibly the most popular bodybuilding supplement of all time and also one of the most misunderstood. There is so much hype and so many lies surrounding products it is easy to get lost, so today we'll clear things up for you.

The truth is if you believe the statements which supplement manufacturers place on their products you will end up on a slippery slope to nowhere, constantly switching products and getting little in the way of results. It is very, very easy to over complicate things.

There are a few proven, noticeable changes which come from using this product.

This product is all about explosive strength. Whether you use it or not, this is a substance which is already inside your body and is responsible for those big sudden impact movements such as performing a heavy lift or a sudden sprint.

If you are trying to build lean muscle you may already be realizing the positives of a product like this. By having an increased amount of this within your system your ability to push out one more explosive power movement is greatly increased which, over time, will make a massive difference.

It is also proven to give your muscles that fuller, rounder effect causing them to grow larger in the process. This is because water is forced into the muscle at an accelerated rate.

Most supplements have many negative side effects however this particular one is of a rare breed. However, while there are no scientifically proven negative side effects here there are several common myths which you will need to be aware of because you will undoubtedly hear them on the gym floor at some point.

Easily the most commonly heard myth surrounding this product is that it causes bloating. It does not. Science has shown that while it pushes water into your muscles, it does not under any circumstances force water between your muscles and skin to cause a bloated appearance. So don't fall for that myth, because that's all it is!

The second popular myth is that you need to take a break after two months of continuous usage. Not only does science disprove this myth but athletes also use it all year round to maximize their results in their chosen sport.

When it comes to which blend is superior there are several surprising factors. Most importantly the most research points towards Monohydrate as the strongest proven source. This is seen as surprising because it is also the oldest and cheapest, but it is indeed science fact.

The important key to remember is that all this product is designed to do is increase your explosive strength, not help you build muscle. You still need to put in the work in the gym or you won't see any positive results. But by having the ability to push out one more rep at maximum intensity you are able to increase your results considerably. That's where this product excels.

So there you have it. Creatine monohydrate explained in a nutshell without the jargon and without the many false statements which often surround it.

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