What Is The Best Method Of Consuming EGCG?

By Deborah Jones

Numerous consumers without research think if a food has green tea extract that it must be beneficial for the body. This is typically not true. The food industry is benefiting from the healthy image that tea possesses. Lots of products with green tea are on the rack of supermarkets. Nevertheless these products include many fattening additives. To take advantage of the benefits of tea, one needs to take it at its purest form. The conventional way is to drink it as a liquid form by brewing it. These days more and more people are taking it as a tablet and there are some things to like about this way.

Most notable substance in green tea extract is EGCG. Pretty much all the benefits including heart disease prevention, cancer prevention, and weight loss are possible due to EGCG. One cup generates approximately 50 mg of EGCG. A large number of lab test results suggest 300 mg per day to experience significant health improvement. This is approximately Six cups every day, which is quite a lot of cups to produce. Not many people living in today's society have the time to do that.

Daily tea consumption is a standard of living in the Far East culture and the bitter flavor is not an issue. However, for many individuals in the Western culture it can be quite unpleasant. That is precisely why numerous food products consist of sugar, however that defeats the aim of consuming it for health rewards. Numerous tea authorities claim excellent quality tea results in extra bitterness.

Tea provides caffeine. Caffeine is generally useful to the body. A reasonable amount will improve energy and even help in reducing body weight. Having said that, too much is usually the root cause of negative effects that include sleep disorders and jittery. Green tea carries much lower level of caffeine content than coffee. A cup of tea comes with about 20 mg. That is a small amount than 100 mg in a cup full of coffee. Then again 6 cups will add up the overall amount of caffeine. When coffee is part of daily diet, it can add more to the daily total caffeine content.

Taking green leaf tea pills is a fantastic substitute to drinking tea. Supplements are more convenient to consume than brewing a green tea. Fixing many cups of tea will require time and effort. Lots of tea capsules have over 300 mg of EGCG in a serving. Caffeine free capsules are available at the market. Some provide additional vitamins to help absorption. Since it is in a capsule form, bitter taste is not a problem.

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